

Sl.No Name  Designation Phone No
1 T Ramakrishna    D.C.O 9100115675

The office of the District Cooperative Officer,Rajanna Sircilla is situated on upstairs of Sircilla Coop.Urban Bank Ltd., Sircillla opposite to Dist.Collectorate, Rajanna Sircilla headed by Dist.Coop.Officer,assisted by Asst.Registrars,Senior Inspectors,Junior Inspectors and Junior Assistants is functioning from 11.10.2016. The Dist.Office covers 13 Mandals , and divided into two clusters namely 1) Sircilla cluster(covered 06 mandals) 2)Vemulawada cluster(covered 07 Mandals). Each Cluster is headed by Asst.Registrar and assisted by Senior Inspector , Jr.Asst.

There are two Acts governs Cooperative Department in Telangana State namely 1)Telangana Cooperative Societies Act,1964 and 2)Mutually Aided Coop.Societies act 1995.

Functions of the department includes activities:

A) Statutory:

  1. Registration of Coop.Societies both in TCS Act,1965&MACS Act,1995.
  2. Conduct of Elections to the Coop.Societies.
  3. Conduct of Audit of Coop. Societies.
  4. Inquiries U/s 51 of TCS Act 07 of 1964.
  5. Inspection U/s 52 of TCS Act.1964.
  6. Surcharge Notices/Orders & Execution of EPs U/s 60.
  7. Liquidation of Coop. Societies U/s 64.

B) Non-Statutory:

  1. Supervision of Credit & Non-Credit business in PACS such as supply of fertilizers , seeds etc.
  2. During the Kharif Season 2019-2020, 115 Paddy Procurement centres were opened and procured 1083881.60 quintals of paddy worth Rs.198.00 cores from 23004 farmers of Rajanna Sircilla Dist. 

The following types of societies have been registered and presently working under the TCS Act, 1964 & MACS,Act, 1995.

NO. Types of societies Registered Working as on date
1 Primary Agricultural Coop.Societies 24
2 Employees Coop.Credit societies 09
3 Coop.Housing societies 03
4 Coop.consumer stores  04
5 Coop.Urban Bank 01
6 Coop.Electrical Supply Society Ltd.,Sircilla  01
7 Labour Contract Coop.Societies 23
8 SC Service Cooperative Society Ltd., Rajanna Sircilla 01
9 Joint Forming Coop.Societies  01
10 Lift Irrigation  01
11 Women Welfare 01
12 Industrial 08
13 Riksha Pullars 01
14 Mutually Aided Coop.Socities 759

              The Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies are doing Credit activities like Long Term and Short Term Loaning Gold Loaning to the members. Societies are also performing activities along with Credit business like Paddy Procurement seasonally and Fertilizer sales etc.

               The Dist Co-operative Officer monitors and regulate the activities of above societies.Guidance and support will be given by the office regularly and control the Societies in the ways as mentioned.

key contacts:  Office Name  Contact Number
1 Commissioner for Cooperation and Registrar of Cooperative Societies T.S.Hyderabad. 7331148001
2 State Cooperative Election Authority ,T.S.Hyderabad. 9849654689
3 District Cooperative Officer ,Rajanna Sircilla.  9100115675
4 Assistant Registrar/Superintendent ,O/o.District Cooperative Officer, Rajanna Sircilla  9441850715
