

Name of the Officer Designation Contact Number
Dr B. Jagan Mohan Reddy District Educational Officer 7995087618
Y Srinivas District Intermediate Education Officer 9440816018

Main aim is to provide free and compulsory secondary education. To Provides access to school education i.e., I to X class ensures 100% retention, provide quality education. Ensure equity in education by running residential schools under different management.

Important features and functionalities of the department :

  1. Provides free Mid Day Meal to class I to X students with 3 eggs per week.
  2. Provides Free Text Books to students studying from class I to X in all Govt management Schools.
  3. Provides HEALTH KITS girls students studying from classes VII to X.
  4. Provides Free Transportation facility to students who are non accessible to secondary Education.
  5. Provides 2 pairs of Tree Uniforms to the students studying from class I to X.


Key Contacts :

  1. District Educational Officer : Sri  Dr B. Jagan Mohan Reddy  mobile no:7995087618
  2. Coordinator(Planning & MIS): Sri K.Suryanarayana mobile no:9700007493
  3. Coordinator(Quality Edn & OSC): Smt V.Shylaja mobile no:9849487523
  4. Coordinator(Gender & Equity): Smt Ch.Padmaja mobile no:9642959599
  5. Coordinator(IE & CMO):Sri S.Vidyasagar mobile no:9490993112
  6. Assistant Statistical Coordinator: Sri.Ch. Balachander mobile no:9908553083
  7. Assistant Commissioner for Government Examinations : Sri Azeem mobile no:7989129633
  8. A.P.I.O: Sri Raghuraju mobile no:9908989333


Sl.NO Type of School  School Category No.of Schools Working  Boys Girls Total
1 Govt High School 2 318 203 521
2 ZPHS High School 109 8440 6673 15113
3 KGBV High School 13 0 2841 2841
4 TSMS  High School 7 1892 1944 3836
5 Govt DNT Primary  1 8 4 12
6 MPPS Primary  336 9332 9087 18419
7 MPUPS Upper Primary  38 1614 1420 3034
8 MPHS High School 3 355 374 729
9 RBS Bridge 1 85 0 50
  TOTAL 510 22044 22546 44555
10 TS SWREI Society Schools High School 7 951 2466 3417
11 TS TWREI Society Schools  High School 2 0 757 757
12 TELANGANA EMRS High School 2 216 227 443
13 TSREI Society Schools High School 1 0 503 503
14 TW DEPT.ASHRAM SCHOOLS  High School 1 140 0 140
15 TMREI Society Schools High School 2 243 220 463
16 MJPTBCWREIS Schools High School 4 721 692 1413
  TOTAL 19 2271 4865 7136
17 Private Aided  Primary, UP & HS 3 83 67 150
  TOTAL 3 83 67 150
18 Kendriya Vidyalaya  Primary, UP & HS 1 125 141 266
  TOTAL 1 125 141 266
19 Madarasa (Urdu Medium) Primary 1 2 0 2
  TOTAL 1 2 0 2
  TOTAL(GOVT) 534 24525 27619 52109
20 Private Unaided Primary, UP & HS 116 12915 10449 23364
  TOTAL(PRIVATE) 116 12915 10449 23364
  GRAND TOTAL 650 37440 38068 75473


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